Coping During COVID-19

It is okay to not feel okay during this time. The uncomfortable thoughts and emotions that are impacting us all can feel very overwhelming. These range from the stress of your and your family's health, the loneliness of isolation, financial fears, the uncertainty of getting your basic needs met. Which impacts your sleep, eating habits, a healthy mindset, and overall well being. And everyone is impacted.  

Here are a few ways to help cope during this time:  

  • Limit News- Take a break from watching, listening, or reading various outlets on your screens. 

  • Breathe- I know, but really sit with yourself and take some deep breaths. Inhale all the worries and then release them out. 

  • Movement- Notice I said movement and not exercise, stand up and stretch, move around the house or yard. Listen to your favorite playlist and dance. 

  • Grounding- Go sit outside, or lay down in your room, or just find a spot anywhere you can alone and just be mindful of what you see, smell, taste, hear and touch. 

  • Connect- Even during our stay at home orders, where we can feel so separated, connect with friends and family through video communications, text or call.  Hey, remember snail mail? Write a letter to someone to feel connected.  

By focusing on what we can control helps us cope with what we can not during this unknown time. By staying home we are going to get through it together. 

  • Caitlin Goicoechea Hart LCPC, NCC


To the 2020 HS Seniors.

