Don’t let COVID-19 be your Grinch

Holidays are already a time of high stress, then sprinkle in Coronavirus, and we have ourselves a Bad Moms Christmas Special. Christmas 2020 is filled with so much: concerns about family gatherings, stress of package arrivals, financial struggles, family health, and the “normal” high expectations of delivering a perfect Christmas. So with that, this blog is speaking to all parents whose mental health check engine light is on. Here are some tips for enjoying this holiday season no matter what it looks like: 

  • Set Boundaries- It is essential to be aware of your limitations and what you are comfortable doing this year. Just because you have done something in the past does not mean you must keep doing it. Let go of guilt because it is a paralyzing emotion. It blocks out the joy you deserve to feel celebrating in your home with your household family the way you feel most comfortable.  

  • Be Flexible -  No holiday celebration is perfect and certainly not during COVID. View all the changes as opportunities to be flexible and resilient, create some new traditions. If the package doesn’t arrive in time, breathe in the frustration but let it go. It’s paramount to keep everything in perspective. 

  • Ask for Help- You are not alone. These are not ordinary times, how many commercials have played that line. But it is true. Your mental health can only process so much at a time so call a friend and vent. 

  • Do Something for You- As always, It is not selfish to take care of yourself first. With a little one glued to your side or breaking up a sibling conflict while having racing thoughts on the stress of the holidays, you need to take some time to relax and be kind to yourself. 

During this holiday season, remember to be present and find happiness in the moments, as different as they may look. Find time to relax, reflect, and recharge. I wish all a happy healthy holiday season. Goodbye 2020 and cheers to 2021 and may it bring good mental health..insert Frasier voice there.

Caitlin Hart LCPC, NCC


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